Cromer in Norfolk


A Lovely Norfolk Seaside Town

Blue sky, green grass, a perfect combination!
Cromer is a small town situated on the North Norfolk Coast. The town of Cromer originally stood further inland and was known as Shipden but when that was gradually destroyed by the sea during the middle ages, the name of Cromer was then established.

Battered by winds that come straight from the North Pole it has relied heavily on the sea for it’s trade and is famous for it’s Amber, Jet and crabs.

Cromer is also well known for the brave deeds of its lifeboatmen, who during the Second World War saved 450 lives. For 150 years the sailors who live here have risked their own lives venturing out to rescue the victims of North Sea storms.

Cromer beach is mainly sand on shingle – a very pleasant place to spend some time, but best enjoyed when the sun is shining and the typically cold east coast wind is not so apparent!




A grand pier on a beautiful sandy beach.
Church tower
This magnificent church stands proudly in the centre of Cromer, Norfolk. Its 165 foot high tower is the tallest in Norfolk.


Henry Blogg Bronze Bust

Henry Blogg– the most famous lifeboatman of all was coxwain from 1909 to 1947. He received the gold medal three times, the silver medal four times the George Cross, and the British Empire Medal.

Henry Blogg died in 1954 but his name is known throughout the world.

A commemorative bronze bust gazes out to sea from North Lodge Park not far from the old lifeboat house, which is now a museum.


Dressed crabs!


In case you are wondering what this has to do with crabs, the ones in my picture are ‘dressed’ – all the hard work has been done for you by someone who knows how to do it! Just unwrap, sprinkle with salt and vinegar and enjoy!












