ROAD TRIP-SUMMER 2006 (Cley & Blakeney )


Cley is is typical of a small coastal village, the attractions are its freshwater marshes, boat trips to Blakeney Point – visiting the seal population and widlife sanctuaries.


Blakeney Quay
A beautiful little fishing village in Norfolk.

Seals enjoying the sun at Blakeney’s point



One of Blakeney’s most famous tourist attractions is the trip out to see the seals on Blakeney point, which in itself is a striking place.



10 Responses to ROAD TRIP-SUMMER 2006 (Cley & Blakeney )

  1. Unknown说道:

    welcome to my home

  2. davidBear说道:

       I love the style of your picture and your spaces.I\’m really appreciate it.You say that you are a dancing queen,I just wanna tell you I also love dance though I haven\’t receivd some formal training.I just love it .
       It\’s really nice to meet you .

  3. Unknown说道:

    welcome to my home

  4. 黑裤子说道:

    good pic!

  5. 嘉洋说道:


  6. Unknown说道:

    welcome to my home

  7. Unknown说道:

    welcome to my home

  8. Karen说道:

    hey,beauty, you updated your space after all. Photos are fantastic!!! Of course, I mean the scenery ones~~~~~~~~~~~~~  By the way, did you lose weight? Much more beautiful now~~~ 
